There is a lot of problem facing by user and a chip level technical .one of them is laptop shuts down every time charger plugged in. Charging only works if connected before turning on laptop even A/C adopter is OK.
This problem happens because of laptop charging circuit failure and it is not
an easy job to diagnose problem on laptop motherboard.
This problem happened because of switching Mosfet or Op amp IC failure.
But remember before you take any chip-level action please check laptop with another good adapter.
Now i m going to show you how you can fix this problem on hp dv3000 series,it is very simple way just replace component for 100% solution if you didn't fix after resold following pitcher.
This problem happened because of switching Mosfet or Op amp IC failure.
But remember before you take any chip-level action please check laptop with another good adapter.
Now i m going to show you how you can fix this problem on hp dv3000 series,it is very simple way just replace component for 100% solution if you didn't fix after resold following pitcher.

have a good luck friends